Friday, February 22, 2008

Handy Dandy Dildo Storage

Author Ashlyn Chase alerted us to the hysterical website of a very special gadget guru gal. The Dildo Diva has ingeniously solved all your sex-toy storage needs with a variety common household items. Pictured at right is her spice rack solution for saving space while displaying dildoes in a convenient and attractive way. She's got loads of funny before and after pictures featuring tool belts, shoe organizers, tackle boxes and lots more. Martha Stewart could do a whole show with the Dildo Diva and her partners at Homemade Sex Toys, a related site that gives instructions for people who are too embarassed or cheap to buy sex toys. The ones for women are pretty funny, but the best one is an item men can make from pvc pipe to give themselves a blowjob.


Anonymous said...

I am very excited to know about handmade dildos....

Sex Toys Rep - said...

Thank you for the information. I'm curious about dildo storage, but more so in creation methods. I think i am too cheap and scared to buy one at the store. The only adult toy store is in a dirty neighborhood that i am scared to go by myself also i don't want to flagrantly give out false information that i have ventured into various dildo sex acts of sexual liberation. Reading this blog about it empowers me to go out and achieve my own dreams.

Anonymous said...

I'm always thrilled to hear that this blog empowers women to be more adventurous while still being safe. It's wonderful how you can get toys on the internet now and don't have to venture into an adult store that's creepy.